Sunday, June 8, 2008

Dogs = Kids

Julie bought some new treats for Daisy and Tulip. She showed them to me at Target, and I was like, "Yeah okay. Whatever." Our dogs will eat anything, you see. I could act enthusiastic about a button, and they'd eat it first and ask questions later.

So after feeding them and taking them out this morning, I got a hankering for a new surge protector. Target would be opening in ten minutes, so I lured the dogs back into their cages with some of these new treats.

And there the treats sat, untouched on the cage floors. It was the most bizarre thing. I was like, "Come on, guys. Eat! Yummy treaty to eaty!" And they stared at me like I'd given them rocks recently run through the dishwasher.

Then I looked at the bag, where it said "With the delicious taste of real fruits & vegetables."

I think we can close the book on this one, Captain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dan... I love your journal. I honestly think you could have a future in humor writing if you so desired. Justin told me you and Julie are expecting... congratulations! I think the kid will have some great parents. Oh, by the way, you do realize that this means that you will have to also keep an online journal for all other kids you may have, otherwise kid #1 will feel superior, right? Or something equally amazing... videocameras, documentaries, rock albums, their own heirloom breed of tomatoes or newly discovered species or planet. And Julie... stay strong, I hope the nausea is letting up by now. Love, Ann