Thursday, June 26, 2008

A light problem

We have the most ridiculous house. But seriously, if you want to buy it, let me know. You'll absolutely love it.

I don't know if our house sucks as much as we suck as homeowners. In apartments, we didn't have to worry about anything except for the upstairs neighbors' amorousness, which was actually a huge pain and resulted in more than one ceiling plaster shower. From us hitting the ceiling with a broomstick, not from--come on, people, it's not like they were horny belugas or something. But still.

Actually, this one time, Christmas Eve I believe it was, suddenly we had 12 cop cars outside the place. Seems our aforementioned upstairs neighbors had thrown a party and someone got a widdle bit angwy and hit a dude with a beer bottle. So that was fun.

But anyway, at least we didn't have to worry about mowing the lawn, replacing the washer and dryer, or reading the paper to find out what percentage of the value we lost this month. My current beef is the upstairs bathroom. See, we're moving our bedroom upstairs so we can be closer to the baby's room. That requires, per Julie's mandate, better lighting over the sink in the upstairs bathroom.

Problem is, the only hard wiring is above the toilet, not the sink. Above the toilet. Above the toilet. Maybe I'll just install a new mirror using the current hard wiring and say, "Honey-kins, you don't mind straddling the commode whilst you primp, do you?"


Crickets said...

Ooh man. It gets toasty up in that room. You're going to have to crank the AC for the rest of the house down to like 40 and risk penguin invasions.

In other news, glad to hear you got a helmet. One of Alyssa's second cousins died in a bicycle crash last week because he wasn't wearing a helmet. Glad to hear little McKenzieiey Elliot won't have to worry about that happening to her pops.

Dan said...

Wow - sorry about the cousin. Dude.

Oh, and thanks a lot for guessing the name we had chosen. Spelling and everything. Back to the drawing board...

(Admit it: that's the Cabbage Patch doll you had as a teenager.)