Monday, June 23, 2008


We are de-junking the house in preparation for the baby. It's not a pretty process. Yesterday found us at Goodwill and Half-Price Books--separate trips so that everything would fit.

For Goodwill, we had the back seats of our Rav4 folded up and so many bags of clothes stuffed in the back that the moths suffocated. We also had unopened wedding gifts from almost five years ago. Apologies to whoever gave us the ice cream malt maker, the table-top marshmallow roaster (seriously), and the handheld blender that we didn't like as much as the other handheld blender.

Also, Mom and Dad, we got rid of the George Foreman grill you got me when I moved into my first apartment. My bad.

So we felt pretty good about ourselves. Back at home, we refilled the Rav with books and DVD classics such as Interview with the Vampire and season one of the Man Show. You know the giant tupperware storage bins you can find at Target? Three of those. Now, Half-Price Books isn't known for paying top dollar for anything, but it doesn't matter. How much do you suppose we got?

Try $110 on for size. I told you it was a lot of books.

I feel like we only scratched the surface. Next up is clearing out the basement and switching our bedroom with the current guest bedroom. I'll explain that whole debacle another time.

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