Monday, September 22, 2008


I remember the first time I had swimming lessons. I think the pool had been recently thawed, and while all the other kids did bobs in the shallow end, I sat on the side with one toe submerged.

Half the lesson I sat there, psyching myself up to leap into that freezing water. Finally the teacher called over another teacher and together they grabbed me, armpits and ankles, and lowered me in.

Today a friend I teach with brought in her two-week-old, a stunningly expressive and beautiful girl. A million things ran through my mind, but not one of them was "Give me that baby to hold." I hung back, then eventually touched her hand with my finger. But that's all.

My God. You know, I take comfort in remembering that the pool, after time, felt warmer.


The Sloneker's said...

My husband and I didn't hold babies until we had our's totally different when it is your own because if you break it it's ok - it's yours :)
Angela S.

Anonymous said...

Anja said to say thank you for the compliments : ) And I'm not trying to be sexist, but that seems to be very common especially amongst the men I know. For once I'd call you normal! he he

Anonymous said...

I always used to think babies were scary, fragile, and delicate.

Then I visited the nursery with my newborn and saw how they handled them. Apparently, they don't break as easy as is rumored.

-Duck (who's daughter is still alive)

Pandora Wilde said...

It's different when it's either your own or a relative--I'm not into holding babies that aren't mine, but my new nephew? I could cuddle that little monkeyfart all day long--if someone had a crowbar to pry him out of my Mom's arms, that is.