Friday, September 12, 2008


Today Julie's doctor cleared her to go back to work next week. This was the first appointment that I did not also attend, so we can't be sure if Julie asked the appropriate follow-up questions. She's more of an "Okay" person, and I'm more like "But I read online that a mother can pass pertussis to the fetus. Couldn't we just re-inoculate her to be sure?" Then Julie hits me.

So anyway, whereas last Sunday the doctor said "Stay home! Stay home!" this one apparently shrugged, twirled the toothpick in her mouth, and said "Yeah, you're fine."

Which she is, of course. But could we all get on the same page here? One minute you suspect they're all just afraid of being sued, and the next you wonder whether they're even paying attention. Like, hello, she stayed home for a week because one of your colleagues told her to. Do you want to at least have a look-see at the cervix door and make sure it's not slightly ajar? Maybe?

See, that's what would've happened had I been there. All I'd have to say is "How can Julie check her cervix door at home? Is there a kit?" Then the doctor would have checked it no matter how late for lunch she was.

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