Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Julie just gave me a wet willy, which begs the question: when is it appropriate to chase and/or tackle a pregnant woman? It reminds me of when my siblings and I were old enough to be left alone but not old enough to leave each other alone. They, being younger, would keep lists of abuses in order to tattle later and ensure proper punishment. I, being older, doled out punishment whenever I deemed it appropriate.

An older child, for better or worse, generally has several undeserved advantages over younger siblings. Pregnant women and their husbands or Alaskan boyfriends (okay, that was cheap) are the same way. They're untouchable and can choose to use or abuse that power as they see fit.

So therefore, I will start a list of my own.

Number 2,134,293 (roughly): wet willy.

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