Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Remember that awful 90s band "Live" with their cheesy, high-voiced lead singer? Did you like them? You did if you wanted to be alternative but were intimidated by Nirvana. Julie liked Live in high school, and her sister even saw a concert, saw Live live, which is lamer than...let me than Nickelback. Don't worry: Julie and I are a good match because I was completely uncool too in a lot of ways.

Anyway, Live's most famous song was called "Lightning Crashes." Remember hearing it on the radio 90,000 times? A lyric in that song went like this: "Her placenta falls to the floor." If you were a dork, you thought that lyric was kind of bad-ass.

Well today, I've got placentas on my mind. After Julie delivers our baby, her placenta will come next, hopefully not falling to the floor. I believe we plan to do nothing with the placenta but let the doctors dispose of it or play placenta hockey in the break room or whatever they do.

But didn't Tom Cruise, in his infinite knowledge and wisdom about all things female, once declare that he and Katie Holmes would eat the placenta Lecter-style? I believe they also subsequently decided not to, but what on earth would compel a person to consider it? Kookiness? Cannibalistic curiosity? Protein?

My buddy, whose mom is a midwife, says we should bury it in our yard, maybe plant a tree over it. This sounds mildly psychotic as well. Placenta hockey makes much more sense.


Anonymous said...

I read this women called Women Who Eat. One of the short stories in it was about a woman that had her husband cook up her placenta with onions. Sorta like liver and onions. She only ate some of it and decided to plant the rest in a garden. Strange stuff.

Anonymous said...

hehe I ment I read this book....

Pandora Wilde said...

I know there's a reason some couples save the blood from the placenta and umbilical cord, but I can't remember why. It's supposed to be really good in case something bad happens (but I can't remember what sort of bad either because my normally photographic memory is in short-circuit). Might be something to consider.

acw said...

I remember being embarrassed every time that song came on the radio. Like even in high school I knew it was over-the-top melodramatic.

Anonymous said... info about the cord blood and why to save it or something of that sort.