Saturday, August 2, 2008


See her there? That's her "take the picture, ass face" face.

Julie occasionally suffers from a pregnancy malady we have termed "Itchy Belly." To see her, you would think she was trying to claw the baby out. If only her mouth would foam a little, I might film it and show it to my students this fall as an argument for abstinence.

Instead her jaw slackens because to scratch that itch feels soooo good. I stand by with a drool towel.

Disclaimer (so she doesn't beat me to oblivion): I exaggerated a bit there. But it's true that sometimes her stomach itches.

And why wouldn't it? That time at the fair when I entered the blueberry pie eating contest, my stomach approached Augustus-Gloopian proportions--and it itched. I think.

But really, if suddenly your body began to rapidly outgrow your skin, the stretching of that skin might just cause you to itch. Or maybe her arms aren't long enough to reach every part of it with soap.


Anonymous said...

You are so in trouble.


Dan said...

Can't catch me.

Pandora Wilde said...

Yeah, but she knows where you sleep, Dan.

Something with cocoa butter would work very well on itchy belly--there's a lot of places that make it (including me) so it shouldn't be hard to find.

Dan said...

Thanks for the tip. We bought some lotion today with that and other all-natural ingredients. So far so good.