Friday, August 22, 2008


Our daughter is becoming quite the little kick-boxer. I don't think Julie's quite used to it yet because we'll be eating or driving someplace to eat or sitting after eating, and suddenly she'll be like "Bwah!"

A lady at the next table whispers to her companion, "That's the prettiest paranoid schizophrenic I've ever seen."

Julie says it starts with a light tap or two, like a cautious fish not quite biting your hook. Then POW, she clobbers her. It'll only get worse, too, as the baby is around two pounds and getting bulkier.

Meanwhile, I'd like to train the baby to kick Julie only under certain circumstances. Sass off to me: POW! Advise me on my driving: POW POW! Complain about the taste of water: POW POW POW POW POW!

This is going to be good. Of course, I can picture Julie yanking my head by the ears down to her stomach just in time for the little imp to punch me in the nose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Our ultimate fighter seems to know when its dad's head is up against my belly - those are always the hardest kicks! Gotta love that the baby's trained before it comes out of the womb : ) I expect your little gal is much the same!