Monday, August 11, 2008


Just a quick post to update you on some important vacation happenings.

Julie passed her gestational diabetes test with flying colors. On Friday night, she discovered two messages on the cell phone that she never answers. Both were from the lab, requesting a return call. They don't tell you anything specific over the phone, so our first thought the night before vacation, after the lab had closed, was that she had failed the test, necessitating an infinitely less pleasant follow-up test and possible subsequent dietary militancy.

So she freaked out a little bit. We downloaded all sorts of gestational diabetes menus and planned to spend our vacation operating under the assumption that she did indeed have it, just to be safe.

The next morning she called the lab and found out that the call was not about the test, but that in fact the savvy motivated lab technicians had forgotten to test for something else, had wasted all her blood on other tests or whatever, and could she please come back in to get pricked again, sorry and have a nice day.

Back we went, delaying our vacation departure. One hole in the arm later and McDonald's drive-thru to celebrate probably not having gestational diabetes, we were off.

Just a quick public service announcement to the Wisconsin drivers who camped out in the left lane on Interstate-94 and the innocent bystanders in the right lane: When Julie slalomed you all at 85 miles-per-hour, she said to me, "I'm a good Mario Kart driver." In the future, if you see a black Toyota Rav4, it's best to just pull over and let it pass. In the meantime, I'm looking for a bumper sticker that says "Crazy and Preggers."

I'll post pictures later. My favorite is of Julie sleeping on the beach, her stomach in a hole.

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