Tuesday, August 19, 2008


This is actually going to turn out okay. So as you read (or didn't) in the last post, our central air is wonky. This morning one of the copper pipe thingies had frost around it, so I turned it off and called a guy to come check it out.

For all you do-it-yourselfers, shut up. I know the condenser's probably just a little dusty, or the coils need scrubbing and then a hug. Or the freon is low. Or it's all residual punishment for not changing the filter until yesterday. Blah blah blah. Point is, if the quickest way to fix it is for a guy in overalls to charge me $200 to sing lullabies to it, then fine. I'll harmonize.

Besides the fact that it's August and just short of boiling outside, the timing is perfect. As a teacher at the tail-end of summer, I happen to be available for the entire 8-hour window tomorrow. I felt pretty awesome on the phone when the woman half-apologetically, half-gloatingly said "We do require you to be available from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM." Like check mate, buddy, hope you don't melt. But of course, I was like "Sure! I have nothing else to do!" And deep down I was thinking, a visitor!

Julie, meanwhile, is involved with the national sales meeting at work. Very big deal. Today she won't get home until 9:00 PM, which ordinarily is cause for much crabbiness but today allows her to avoid the heat that I am currently suffering.

By tomorrow (sometime between 8:00 and 4:00), I hope to report a relatively inexpensive fix. "Ladies and gentlemen, he plugged it in!" Something like that. Otherwise, I might have to type an irate post from a laptop at the air-conditioned Apple store at the mall.

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