Wednesday, August 20, 2008


The dude came out and put freon in our tank. It was low, but since we've been here for three years, it was probably a very slow leak. He also turned our furnace AC setting to high because, inexplicably, the previous owners had it set lower.

But the real problem, I suspect, will be solved next Tuesday. Even after everything, the vents still seemed a bit slow, reluctant to fully bathe me in their freony coolness. I asked about it, and he asked me when I had last had the ducts cleaned.

"The ducks?" I flapped my elbows, which pretty much answered his question.

Our dogs, he explained, maliciously shed their fur over our vents, so now our ducts are probably more clogged than Ronald McDonald's aorta.

All paraphrasing aside, next Tuesday another dude is coming to clean our ducts. This will result in better air flow and better air quality, just in time for...the baby! Score another one for Dad, taking care of business one crisis at a time. Current temperature: 77 and falling, down from 81.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

absolutely HILARIOUS!! I wonder if your little girl will get your writing skills...either way she'll probably be deathly afraid of bees like her mommy...