Thursday, August 21, 2008


How often should you bathe a baby? This is a question that I suspect we'll research when we have a semi-dirty baby and no energy.

Our dogs go a couple weeks between baths, but babies? I'm thinking every day or every other day. They pretty much always reek, right? They have stink coming out both ends. Luckily they mature and reach the point where they greatly value neatness and cleanliness. Right? Our kid will, at least. She will inherit her daddy's hygiene, avoiding the sticky and shunning the gross.

I'm afraid the dogs will be a bad example, though. At the dog park yesterday, Tulip rolled her body atop a dead bird. It was more like half a dead bird. So imagine finding half a dead bird and thinking, this smells so succulent that I will now rub my body all over it. This thought process does not jive with mine at all.

If our baby pays more attention to the dogs than to us, we could have another dead bird roller on our hands. That just will not do. Tulip got a vigorous, thorough bath last night, to her chagrin. She doesn't comprehend cause and effect, so the next time she sees half a dead bird, she will think only of the marvelous perfume, undeterred by the unpleasant bath sure to follow. God help us if our daughter is the same way.

I read once that babies initially think of their feces as a gift, like look what I've made for you, Daddy! Babies are nasty. We'll set our daughter straight early, get her to be creative with crayons and paper instead, and enjoy a squeaky-clean parenthood.


Grandma Jackie said...

Dan - you are SO funny!! Maybe your little girl will be different, but mine always needed a bath EVERY day - sometimes two baths in one day, depending.....!!

Anonymous said...

Well if you actually wanted to know, I took an online survey (always reliable) and people say a newborn baby's skin dries out if you bathe it too often. So they said every couple days and maybe not even a bath but like a "wipe down." And then at 14 days-ish, a full bath every other day. And also I'm told a baby doesn't roll for 4-6 months, so you don't have to worry about her rolling on dead birds for awhile. Here are two links for additional information from somewhat more credible sources:

Dan said...

Jackie - I bet they needed three baths on wood day.

Lori - Impressive work!