Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Before I was born, my mom made my dad get headphones so his loud music wouldn't disturb the baby. The earpieces were puffy and yellow, and I squeezed them to my head to listen to the Wizard of Oz and Pac Man on LP. I rocked, even then.

Now Julie is making a similar request, though loud music isn't my issue. Since currently I'm a teacher in July (the very, very best thing to be), my hours are flexible and my desire to watch movies and play video games occasionally intersects with her desire to sleep. Therefore, I need headphones for the T.V.

This would be easy if the receiver worked, but it's fried. All the sound for everything T.V.-related goes through the T.V.'s speakers, which aren't actually that bad, thank goodness. So to make a long story short (too late), I need a pair of hundred-dollar wireless headphones.

Or door #2: a red and white RCA cable plugged into the T.V. and connected to my headphones. Problem is, the stereo end of the RCA cable is male, and the stereo end of my headphones is male. I need a 3.5-mm stereo connector that is female on both ends. And the girl at Radio Shack thought she was giving me the right one (I thought so too), but it's wrong. Doesn't fit. So we're at an impasse.

I just thought you should know the biggest stress in my day; meanwhile, my wife is 21 weeks pregnant, still gets sick some mornings, and thinks she's getting a cold. Actually, that's the biggest stress in my day, too.


Anonymous said...

I really hope she's not one of those moms that is sick for nine months. Sorry she's not feeling good - maybe you should just let her sleep.

Dan said...

Yup, I completely agree.