Wednesday, July 23, 2008


The baby is the size of an ear of corn. The uterus is the size of a soccer ball. So picture an ear of corn curled up inside a soccer ball. Now picture all that inside my wife.

If it were me, I'd wake up every morning and say, "Well, I think I've done enough."

But today Julie worked for 11 hours.

Today I changed the lawnmower blade, mowed the lawn, scrubbed the shower, and washed some clothes. It took roughly two hours total. I also built a Lego ferry boat, which I bought with a recent blackjack windfall. Take a look:

Yeah, I'm pretty much the lamest person ever. And by lamest I really mean awesomest. Come to think of it, here's what else I've been up to this week:

I know, I know. This is grounds for divorce. It's a guilty pleasure.

If you ever suspect that Julie has me wrapped tightly around her finger, well you're probably right. Corn in a soccer ball trumps my summer off. Still, you cannot even imagine how much time I spend goofing around.

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