Wednesday, July 30, 2008


This evening Julie told me to talk to her stomach. Well, to the creature inside, but you know what I mean. The baby is at the point where her ears can detect sounds beyond her mother's heartbeat, and of course the experts speculate that classical music and the voices of the parents will increase chances of college scholarships later.

Well, I had a lot of difficulty taking myself seriously. It's not like she can understand English, so I could've read her the phone book and all that would have mattered is my silky, resonant voice.

But I said hey, told her my name and where I was born. Kinda felt idiotic, like I was talking to a phantom or something. Or like I was talking to a watermelon covered with skin.

My mom called today and offered Fiona as the name she was absolutely sure we had picked. Sorry, Mom. Fiona Apple ring a bell? Ever seen Shrek? Julie and I did have a moment of doubt last night because the name written out looked surreal, a bit foreign. And no, Mom, that's not a hint that it's a foreign name. Okay you got me, we're naming her Tokyo. It looked foreign, we decided, because it doesn't quite exist yet.

Which I suppose is the same reason it feels odd to talk to a stomach.

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