Monday, July 28, 2008


The fetus literally sucks nutrients from the brain, does it not, which is surely what provoked a pregnant friend of mine to state, "I have the memory of a goldfish these days."

Now, what was I leading up to again? Oh yes: I think pregnancy sucks nutrients from the husband's brain as well. Baby sucks thinky power from daddy's head too. Bad baby, thirsty for brains. They're just like zombies, sucking your brain dry. Then they're born and they just suck your wallet dry.

See, that wasn't even a good joke, but it was all my (give me a second, the word will come...okay got it) brain would come up with. Julie's stomach has eaten my brain. When the stomach leaves for work, I become stupid.

Just ask Julie; she'll totally back me up on this.

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