Thursday, July 3, 2008

Cereal freak

Today Julie and I ate cereal together for the first time in our entire relationship. Some things take years. Thank goodness we didn't dine this way earlier, or we might not have made it at all. The woman eats cereal in an entirely unacceptable manner.

First she pours the milk. First she pours the milk. First she pours the milk. My theory is that as a girl she got sent out to the cow each morning, cereal bowl in hand. After several Cheerios spillings under the precarious teat, she began to get her milk first.

Secondly, though, I should point out that the amount of milk she pours into the bowl is precisely what one would get from a single teat pull. When she pours the cereal atop it and eats, it's enough to wet her lips, no more. Meanwhile, I, a member of polite society, pour the cereal first and then pour enough milk so the top bits float.

And this is how my daughter will eat cereal. Her mommy will not pass down this tomfoolery.

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