Friday, July 18, 2008


Before summer started, the three upstairs bedrooms functioned as follows. One was a guest bedroom, one was an office that we never used except for storage, and one was also for storage but in a more horrifyingly disorganized way.

Now the guest bedroom is our bedroom, the formerly horrifying room is Julie's mega-closet, and the office is the nursery. I've also gutted the downstairs bedroom, which is now the guest bedroom, and I've painted part of the kitchen that needed it, gotten a security system installed, updated lighting in the kitchen and upstairs bathroom, and of course revolutionized our entertainment system and media storage. I've been busy.

Next up is crib, rocking chair, and changing table. The cribs we like are the ones that transform into a kiddie bed and then transform once more to an actual twin bed. Julie has exacting standards for rocking chairs, and I at least am entirely clueless about changing tables. But this weekend promises several BABOS dates, which stands for "Buy a bunch of stuff," a term we coined, believe it or not, in 2001.

But what I'm especially psyched about is the stroller. It's pimp, no?


Unknown said...

The next time you come back to visit us in Baltimore we will be putting you to work! I too have an organizational dream for our closet that I will be working on this weekend. Hopefully a trip to IKEA will do the trick!

Crickets said...

Ooh...BOBs are nice. They make an awesome bike trailer.

And my gosh. Julie's closet is huuuuuuge. Why not just call the entire house her closet?