Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Julie still has an itchy belly (I think I first mentioned it in early August). It's a hygiene issue. Just kidding; I'm guessing it's because it's stretching at a superhuman rate.

Did you have a Stretch Armstrong toy when you were a kid? If so, then your parents definitely loved you. Stretch Armstrong is the opposite of Pregnant Julie. He gets longer while she gets wider. He does not itch, and she does. She has a baby in her, and Stretch just has flour and poison.

So for Julie, lotion is a necessity, but most lotions contain parabens, another type of poison that acts as a preservative. It's been linked to breast cancer. Look at every creamy product you use and chances are it has parabens. It's something to think about, especially if you've been on the hunt for a way to be high maintenance. Julie buys paraben-free lotion at a fancy hippy store in the Galleria. I don't blame her, actually, because I'd prefer that she avoid breast cancer. Plus, I get my hair cut at a diva salon in the Galleria, so I'd be a hypocrite if I ripped on her diva lotion.

But picture if Julie fell asleep and involuntarily clawed on the outside of her belly while the baby simultaneously clawed on the inside. Pretty soon we could have a problem. So it's important to cure the itch, even if it takes $20 hippy diva lotion.


Pandora Wilde said...

I just checked my ingredient list--nope, no parabens. BTW parabens are for preservation so no bacteria, fungi or virii grow in the nice lotion ingredients, but since there's alternatives to using paraben-based lotions it's easy to avoid them. It doesn't hurt that I can make mine in any scent that floats my (or someone else's) boat, which is cool too :)

Anonymous said...

If her hippy diva lotion is $20, I'm curious just how much you pay for your diva haircuts...