Sunday, October 19, 2008


We got an area rug for the living room in anticipation of increased floor time with the baby. Hardwood floors make a lot of sense when you're childless, but it seems like you need at least one good carpeted area when a baby's in the picture. This will also give her a place to aim her vomit. I scotch-guarded it yesterday, so don't worry.

The dogs approve. They celebrated the addition with a full-on battle royale, complete with snarling, rolling around, and a little humping. I think if a martian rang our doorbell and asked for the earthling definition of "funny," I'd point to a 16-pound spayed female dog humping a 36-pound spayed female dog.

Julie and I are both nesting in our own ways. Check out this organization. This came after Julie insisted we not use Tide detergent and instead find the all-natural unscented kind. So these clothes are as pure as clothes can get.

Julie also prettied up the crib. Now, the baby will actually sleep in a bassinet for the first couple months, but no matter. This will be ready for her, though I'm sure on the day of the big baby bed switcheroo, I will be rewashing these sheets with the aforementioned hippy detergent.

I'm trying my hardest to conceptualize the size of an infant. My current favorite unit of measurement is the hanger. Baby will be one hanger in length, not counting the head and feet.

Speaking of heads, hers will be ridiculously small. I think perhaps this hat is too small even for her, what with the cranial enormity my family is known for.

And speaking of feet, this sock is just plain goofy. How many of these do you think we'll lose in the first year? As it was, I had to dig into the furthest recesses of the washing machine just to find them all, and I still might have missed a couple.

To recap, our baby will be one hanger in length with a pin head and teeny, possibly sockless feet. And somehow, through all this, I think we're that much more ready.

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