Saturday, May 3, 2008

Diaper talk

Today the in-laws came over for Julie's mom's birthday. After a brief conversation lull, Julie's mom asked us what type of diapers we planned to use. With only six months until the baby's arrival, it was high time we discussed such things. (Tomorrow we're touring prep schools.)

Specifically, she wanted to know if we would opt for the Huggies landfill diapers or the cotton natural ones. Julie sometimes gets all kooky-environmental, so it was important that I answer first.

"Cotton ones allow feces to flow down the baby's legs, right?" Case closed!

It got as quiet as it usually does when someone says "feces" at a birthday party.

Before long, I learned that when using cotton diapers, you put little plastic pants over everything, which supposedly prevents leakage. Sounds like a buncha tree-huggin' hooey to me.

I think we should pile all the baby's dirty diapers in the front yard. Then when he's finally potty trained, we can show him exactly how he has impacted the environment since birth.

Maybe he and his little friends can play king of the hill.

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