Friday, May 30, 2008


Forgive our weird wall design. Look at that mama!

We ate at this authentic Spanish restaurant called El Meson with my sisters-in-law and their husbands. (One is not a husband yet, but it's easier to pluralize "husband" than say "the one's husband and the other's boyfriend." They should get married and make it easier for everyone to conserve words.)

It's fun to show off Julie. Opening greetings, previously "Hey, how's it going?" become "Can I touch it?" and that's just crazy. Of course the sisters have free reign to touch the belly whenever they please, but their husboy-men are understandably more tentative.

"It feels like a deer belly," said Jodie's husband Matt, thereby winning the quote of the night award. Now I'm pondering a line of maternity summer tanks with "It feels like a deer belly" printed across the torso. I could sell them at Cabela's.

In lieu of dragging Julie to Indiana Jones afterward (my birthday, my movie), I opted for a rain check because, well, I wanted to play with my presents. You only turn four once, you know.

I'll make Bambi take me to a matinee tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hey, aren't I Bambi? I don't think I want to see that movie though....