Thursday, May 8, 2008

Add a swear jar to the Target list

I rarely swear in my classroom, and during those rare occasions it is always a PG-13 word, never in anger, and never ever to put someone down.

I deserve a cookie.

I also don't usually swear in writing. Swearing effectively requires the spontaneity of speech, and since writing is generally more planned, swearing just makes you seem like a tool.

But I like a good swear word as much as the next person. Julie does too. I think swearing adds flair to conversations. Used moderately and artistically, a swear word can be like an unexpected marshmallow in a spoonful of Lucky Charms.

And people who say swearing indicates a small vocabulary are just being supercilious.

That said, you are not supposed to swear in front of babies. It's true: I saw why on the internet. Nevertheless, I'll rue the day when we start replacing certain words with phrases like "poopy bottom."

We'll be so uncool.

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