Saturday, April 26, 2008

Battle of the aunties

My mom has called me at least four times to change the name she wants the baby to call her. First it was Granny, then Nana, and now I think it's something like Gaga or Granshnookins. It must be exciting for her to anticipate her first grandchild calling out to her: "Gimme anoder goat food, Gran Gran," and everyone at the petting zoo giving a collective, admiring "Awwww."

What's really going on with the phone calls, though, is jockeying for position. My mom doesn't want Julie's mom to dibs the best grandma name and leave her with "Other Gamma" or some other inferior name. I think the two grandmas will be equal favorites, especially when Julie and I call them both "Grandma." It's the mom and dad that decide names, after all, not the grandmas.

But if you've read the comments in my last post, you see another battle brewing. Julie's sisters both think that they will be the favorite auntie. I think it'll be a tie...if they're lucky. Anybody who's ever seen my sister Lori interact with a child should take notes.


Anonymous said...

Hi, y'all. This is Dan's Mom. I for sure have decided on Nana. It's quite different and will definitely be remembered by my Grandbaby. Hope that's ok with Julie's Mom. Hi Jackie! If you are reading this, isn't our Grandbaby the coolest thing ever?! And I'm going to dibs the name Nana if that's ok!

Anonymous said...

Being that I have Thomas the Tank Engine sheets, I play Neopets everyday (do you even know what that is, Other Aunties?? yeah I didn't think so), I make a mean peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I own the soundtrack to Bob the Builder, and I still sleep with my Pound Puppy every night, I think that I win the "most in touch with inner child" award, thus giving me the edge on relating to (and winning the love of) the little pookis. Don't worry, Other Aunties... I'm sure there will be plenty of love to go around. It's just that I'll have a little more than you two. ^__^

Dan said...

No matter what happens, the healthy thing is that we continue trying to measure the baby's love for one person versus another. That'll be easier when it can talk; we'll just ask it directly and then create a website (updated often: love is fickle) so that everyone knows where they stand.

By the way, as of 5:48 AM on April 29th, Daisy is winning, Tulip is second, and Julie is third.

Grandma Jackie said...

Hello All!

I am really enjoying all the comments posted here! And, Julie (Dan's Mom-Julie, not wife-Julie)...You can have the name Nana...Our grandchild is very lucky to have not one, but two Grandma/Grammy/Granny/Nanas who love him/her very much!! I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl!!

Jackie B.