Monday, November 10, 2008


Julie can only sleep for so long on a given side. She's like that cassette tape from your childhood that you listened to constantly: 30 minutes on a side, then flip and press play again. When discomfort wakes her, she heaves herself over and wedges a pillow beneath the other side of her girth. Sleep returns quickly, which is a blessing, but then in a while she wakes again.

And the couch, previously the choice location for chilling out, now only works for limited engagements. The bed in the guest bedroom is better, for it's more beddy and less couchy.

Dumbest sentence ever, but you'll excuse me for being a little distracted.

I hauled an old TV into the guest bedroom and extracted the DVD player from the stand in the living room. I regretted having used so many nylon ties to organize the cables, especially on something so redundant as a DVD player adjacent to a PlayStation 3. But I got it out and hooked it up in the guest bedroom, so now she can watch movies in there when she gets sick of watching movies from the couch.

Plus, visitors take note, there is now full movie-watching ability from the bed where you'll sleep.

Today I typed up tentative plans for my classes. The trouble is that at this point in the trimester, my classes need to have serious discussions about what they're reading. I can facilitate these discussions just fine, but who knows what'll happen with a substitute. With so many other jobs, being gone is just being gone, but with teaching it's almost less work to show up than it is to not show up. I have to remember that I'm literally the only person who truly cares about the educational success of my classes while I'm out those five days. Plus, my students are pretty cool so it's not like they'll burn the place down or make their own babies or anything.

I still think Julie and I will make it to our dinner reservations on Saturday. I must say, though, that the "You're going to be a dad" whisper in my head is becoming more like a scream.

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