Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Remember in August how I dug a hole in the sand so Julie could lie on her stomach? Well, she's bigger now.

Actually, we had a break in our sewer pipe, which allowed stuff to build up to the point where our laundry room drain would back up. It wasn't pretty. But today it's fixed. They dug down about 10 feet and replaced a section of old broken pipe with new PVC.

As you see, they also put in a clean-out line, so in the future our pipe will be accessible from the yard in addition to the laundry room.

All of this is not cheap, of course, but luckily babies are small and only eat breast milk for the first (what was it?) seven years or so.

At least now when Julie is home with the baby doing laundry, dishes, and flushing baby poo down the toilet, all the while trying to find time to take a shower, she won't have to then deal with fecal water in the laundry room. See, as a husband I feel it is my duty to prevent her from having to clean up sewage while she cares for our infant. It's the least I can do.

1 comment:

Pandora Wilde said...

Hate to break it to you, but while the baby's food is free, Julie has to make it, so she'll be eating more to make sure she can keep up baby's food supply.