Wednesday, October 8, 2008


We're still not telling the name, but people continue to guess. My favorite thing to say to my mom is, "How do you know you haven't guessed it already?" Statistically, one of her 700 guesses is probably right.

But no, she hasn't guessed it, not even close.

Or has she?

No seriously, she hasn't. Mom, breathe.

Our surname, which I won't share here, starts with K. This fact influences people's guesses because of course it would make sense that we'd want a daughter with a K name. Make her middle name a K name too, right? No problems there...

Some women Julie works with want the name to be Kristina. But that's not all. If we name her Kristina, they reason, then naturally her nickname will be Kiki. That's right. They want our daughter to become a prostitute. Or at least tend bar at Hooters.

On the other hand, a passionate group of my freshmen today insisted that we name our daughter Copernicus. ("Yeah Mr. K., Copernicus!" "Tell your wife!" "Name her Copernicus!" "What's a Copernicus?" "Who cares! It's Copernicus!") Which makes complete sense because...wait, it actually makes no sense at all. But it's silly and would give them an excuse to tease me.

Rest assured, our daughter's name is awesome. Except it's capitalized, so it's Awesome. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Plus, we believe in self-fulfilling prophesies, so there's no way she won't be awesome if we name her Awesome. God hates irony. I can't wait till she grows her hair into a rockin' shmullet.

Until we tell you the actual name, please consider your suggestion of Kiki Copernicus, Porn-star Astronomer, respectfully rejected.


Anonymous said...

I still think her name is Lucy, because it's such a darn cute name.Dan has enjoyed teasing and torturing me for all these months. Someday I will get back at him, probably when he least expects it. I will know a secret and I will torture him by not telling him it. You just wait, Dan. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Slightly insulted and thinking that I should have picked an alternative career path. Sean's nickname for me is Kiki.......hmmmmmmm.


Dan said...

Good to hear from you, cousin! Your brother calls you Kiki - I think I knew that but had forgotten. That's hilarious. Do you still call him Mr. Big Stuff?*

*Note to all: I'm kidding.