Thursday, September 4, 2008


Julie has reached the 30-week mark, which I think means the baby is learning how to talk. Not that there's much to talk to in there. "Hi umbilical cord. Hi umbi. Umbi Umbi Umbi." Babies are weird.

Tonight Julie and I discussed how much praise you should give your child. You want her to have high self esteem and everything, but you don't want her to think her every action comes straight from the highest throne in heaven. "Wow, sweetie, that little girl really fell down when you hit her. Great follow-through! Your hand-eye coordination is spot on."

As opposed to, "An A-? What happened?"

Like everything else, I suppose there's a balance. What'll be tough, though, is that Julie and I are both perfect, so our daughter has an excellent chance of being perfect too. But if she's not, should we suppress our own perfection for the sake of her self esteem? Or should we use frequent criticism to inspire her to achieve more?

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