Thursday, August 7, 2008


This is Julie at lunch reflecting on getting a surprise shot in the butt. The shot was to prevent our conflicting blood types from making our baby a vampire. Julie's blood type is A- and mine is A+, so the shot also guarantees a 4.0 through medical school.

Julie does not enjoy shots, especially surprise butt ones. Here is an artist's rendering to help you experience some of her pain.

In other news, Julie's placenta has crept back up to normal, meaning a hooha birth is back on the table. So that's good, plus it was cool to see the baby again, as she's looking much more human and less like a chicken nugget.

And she hasn't sprouted a weiner since last time, so she's undoubtedly a girl. All in all an excellent day, but better for me.


Anonymous said...

This post made me snort on my hot cocoa this morning! That is the most disturbing picture. Seriously. Why is Julie balding in the picture?? :)


Dan said...

You had to be there.

Anonymous said...

What the heck are you using for paper? Wookie fur?
