Sunday, August 3, 2008


Julie has an uncanny memory, mine sucks, and she is convinced that her memory genes are dominant and my sucky memory genes are recessive. I am doubtful about this, so we made a bet that will be settled three years from now. Don't worry: Julie will remember this bet even if I won't.

The bet involves the game Memory--you know, the one where you flip over cartoon animal cards and match them with like cards. The game is not fun and requires no marketable skills whatsoever, so I don't feel at all bad that Julie has beaten me roughly 100 times in a row (she could tell you the exact number). Julie claims that once our daughter turns three, she will be able to defeat me at Memory. And I think our daughter will prefer to eat the cards rather than match them.

I don't remember the stakes of our bet, but I hope it's something good. I'm totally gonna school that kid.

Editorial note: This is my 100th post. Pregnancy is proving to be a sturdy muse.

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