Thursday, July 10, 2008


I think I'm the girl in this relationship.

Check this out: Julie and I are approaching our five-year wedding anniversary on July 26th. I booked us a room at the nicest hotel in Minneapolis and dinner at their restaurant, which just got a four-star review in the Star Tribune. I know, I know. Best husband ever, blah blah blah. How tiring it is to constantly hear that.

Anyway, I'm also the best wife ever. Today Julie was like, "But our anniversary is a Wednesday. I have to work the next day."

"Um, Wednesday?"

"Yeah, the 23rd."

I'll refer you to the second paragraph where it says "wedding anniversary on July 26th."

"Seriously, dear? The 23rd?"

"Isn't it?"

Yeah, so she doesn't know when our anniversary is. Is it poor form to make a pregnant lady sleep on the couch? Maybe this'll get me a better present...I'm definitely going to use this to my advantage somehow.


Anonymous said...

Let's just say I have a lot on my mind. Cut the lady some slack!


Dan said...

Oh come on. What are you, like working all day while your husband stays at home and goofs around?

Anonymous said...

I heard that pregnancy fries a woman's brain cells, so it's not her fault. She is a victim in this whole thing. Happy Anniversary.

Dan said...

Thanks. I've heard that too. The wife eats for two, and the husband thinks for two.

Unknown said...

Why aren't you using your anniversary date as all of your passwords and security codes like normal people? JK:) I can't believe it has been 5 years! Congratulations you guys!!!!