Friday, June 13, 2008

Oh boy oh boy...

It's a girl. Julie is ecstatic, and I think I am too. She's wanted a girl all along, a little version of herself. I've gone back and forth. I'm not lying when I say I was seriously leaning girl when the tech told us.

So yeah, a girl. A girl. A girl.

A girl.

It's one of those words that if you stare at it long enough and say it enough times, it doesn't sound like a real word. Sounds like one you made up. Girl.

More importantly, we saw kidneys, arms and legs, a round head, calcium in the bones, fingers and toes, heart chambers, a brain, and blood pumping. No cleft lip. There's urine, too. Urine!

One slight hiccup is that Julie currently has what's called a low-lying placenta. All it means is that we get another ultrasound at 28 weeks or so. In most women, this situation takes care of itself. The placenta rises or whatever. But let's say worst case scenario it's still low-lying at 28 weeks. Then she'd have to have a C-section. A low-lying placenta ends up bad for hooha births because you want the baby coming out first.

But like I said, the doc said that in her case, it'll likely resolve itself. If not, then thank God for technology.

Don't even ask us about names. We've told you enough.



Anonymous said...

Just found your blog and enjoyed reading it! Sounds like things are going well for your little girl so far! :)

Anonymous said...

Girl idea...thought I could offer some sort of advice, but I have no idea on this one!
Kim Budde

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you referred to it as "hooha" delivery. Brilliant.

Kelly said...

YAY! Congratulations--you should totally name her Kelly. It'll set her up for at least 32 years (I'd hate to overexaggerate) of raging success.